Identity: Roger Gordon Side: Neutral Name: Gordon-zilla Gender: Male Experience: 0 Level: 1 Age: 42 Powers: Training: Transformation: Power Activation Size Change Larger: 7 x Height 343 x Weight 6' 230 lbs to 42' 78890 lbs Divide range by 7 when targeted. Size bonus of +7 to HtH attacks Natural Weaponry: +3 to hit +6 on Damage Reduced Intelligence: -9 Heightened Endurance: +13 Body Power: Add Basic Hits to all Strength and Endurance saving throws. Body Power: Impact damage is reduced by 5 points per attack Power Stunt: Smash Building: HTH+6 vs everyone in 10" r. 4d10 damage (Costs an action. PR = 0) Power Stunt: Stomp: Everyone on the ground in a 20" radius loses (30-Agility) points in initiative next turn. (Costs 30" move to use, PR = 6) Power Stunt: Roar: 1d12 Sonic in a 15" radius. PR = 5 Power Stunt: Throw Car. Mid Size vehicle 4000 pounds. +4 to hit, 2d8+7d10. Low Self Control: Low int = only base reactions. Easily scared and confused. Cannot roll with hits. Animal intelligence. Reactionary. Confused and scared. Weight: 78890 Basic Hits: 1578 Agility Mod: -18 Strength: 12 Endurance: 25 Agility: 1 Intelligence: 1 Charisma: 11 React. Mod.: 0 Hit Mod. 1.2 3 0.7 0.2 0.504 Hit Points: 796 Dmg. Mod.: -4 Healing Rate: 1104.6 Accuracy: -6 Power: 89 Carrying Capacity: 166773 Base HTH Damage: 6d10 Movement Rates: 266 " Running (Base) Det. Hidden: 2 % Det. Danger: 9 % Inventing Points: 0.1 Cash: Inventing: 3 % Motivation/Background: Scientist: Cancer Research Experimented on by co-worker. Cell growth serum resulted in giant state. Other Information: Dr. Roger Gordon was researching a cure for cancer, utilizing shark stem cells and encouraging their growth and replication. His co-scientist, Dr. Jeremy Braker, was more reckless, and wanted to push through to human trials, and had recently paid a homeless man to allow himself to be injected. When Dr. Gordon found out, he was furious and threatened to have Braker removed from the project. Dr. Braker subdued Dr. Gordon, strapped him to a chair and injected him with a stronger dose, altered by microwave radiation to speed growth. Dr. Gordon underwent a horrifying transformation, his body surging in size and becoming more shark like. His growth wrecked the lab, burying Braker in the rubble. Dr. Gordon's wife, Rebecca, was waiting in their car outside the lab when her husband underwent the transformation and erupted from the lab. She is on hand to shout at any law enforcement/Supers to not hurt her husband. Dr. Braker is on hand and can suggest a heavy dose of gamma rays to revert him. 20 points of Gamma 'damage' will revert him. (1d20, hits as disintegration). The heroes will have to locate/dig out Dr. Braker to gain this information. Military will arrive in 10 minutes - jets will open fire with guns & rockets. Ground troops arrive 15 minutes after the air power.