Normal Topic The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of (Read 1305 times)
Captain Avenger

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The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of
May 21st, 2013 at 12:41am
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A plot I've had bouncing around was where a villian mastermind has kidnapped a prominent political leader but then goes into a coma before the heros find out where the politician is. The politician is from a country who is hostile to the USA and when his/her government finds out he/she is missing they threaten to declare war if the leader isn't returned within 24 hours. The only way for the heros to find out where the leader could be is to enter into the villian's subconscious mind and learn from the clues which are spread throughout the dream-like world. Inside, the heros come across the villian and minions he creates to try to stop the heros from learning the truth of the leaders' location.
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Justice Leaguer

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Re: The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of
Reply #1 - May 21st, 2013 at 1:25am
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That's a pretty good one. I don't think I've seen it before. But you'd need to ensure the heroes have the right mental abilities to get into his mind or else make sure they have access to something or someone to enable it. Like a Dr. Strange type or a machine from Mr. Fantastic, I guess.

I'd also be careful not to make the clues too obscure... clues can frustrate players...I try to make multiple paths that lead to the same eventual conclusion when I lay clues so that if one is missed another is sure to be picked up on.

I'd also suggest giving them physical opposition once they locate the leader so there's more than just fighting on the astral planes or whatever you call it. Maybe the clock can be running out when they find the building but then they are attacked by a villain or villains who want a war for whatever reason or even just agents from the leader's nation who assume the heroes are out to get the leader and it's a classic comic book misunderstanding resulting in a fight.
« Last Edit: May 21st, 2013 at 1:29am by Matt »  
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Justice Leaguer

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Re: The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of
Reply #2 - May 21st, 2013 at 2:00pm
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Great idea for an adventure!  Cool

And welcome, Captain Avenger!   Smiley
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Justice Leaguer

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Re: The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of
Reply #3 - May 21st, 2013 at 4:24pm
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Yeah, I may have to steal it! Got any others? Welcome from a fellow new user of the V&V forums. Looks like a lot of folks are signing up lately!

Captain Avenger is a cool name, too. Are you a fan of "Hero at Large"?
« Last Edit: May 21st, 2013 at 4:25pm by Matt »  
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Captain Avenger

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Re: The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of
Reply #4 - May 21st, 2013 at 11:58pm
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Thanks for the warm welcome! 'Hero at Large', you know, I don't think I even heard of the film let alone seen it. The name from back when Captain America had his title stripped from him by the Federal Government. He went under the name, The Captain, which I never liked and thought it would have made more sense if he called himself Captain Avenger instead seeing he had been an active member of the team ever since 1964! When I was looking for an avatar I found the POW! Image and it reminded me of Captain Avenger.

As for the notes on the game idea, I had thought about changing a few things around. The leader of the other country was out. I was going to have it where the leader of the PCs superteam was locked in a pitted battle against his rival in some sort of comic book Scanners-like fight to rid each other once and for all. The superteam's leader was losing so he switched the game where he switched "minds" with the bad guy by hiding inside the bad guy's subconscinious. The bad guy is warnout to the point he falls into a coma. Back at the goodguy's HQ, the goodguy's leader somehow contacts the rest of the team to let them know where he really is and not dead like they thought. They use a Fantastic Four-like sevice, wilhich is very experimental. And journey into the bad guy's mind to try to fish the goodguy out.

The device hasn't had all of the bugs worked out and threatens to permanently conk out if it stays on for more then 12 hours and no one but the goodguy leader knows how to give it. The bad guy is in charge in his own mind but he's confused and thinks he's in some type fever dream so he isn't thinking very logically so the world in his head is a mishmash of past encounters and weird creatures the badguy comes up with. The exit would be a vortex portal which they would jump through and then wake up back at HQ; if they can make it back in time!
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Justice Leaguer

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Re: The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of
Reply #5 - May 22nd, 2013 at 12:01am
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That's quite a plot!

The John Ritter character in "Hero at Large" was called Captain Avenger.
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Captain Avenger

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Re: The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of
Reply #6 - May 23rd, 2013 at 10:59pm
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Yeah, John Ritter was quite a guy. Quite a guy. I have another plot, or to be more prescise, a premise. There's this dimension which is ruled by alchemists/mages, mutli-headed dragons one of which who discovers the V&V universe and wants to make it his own little world. These dragons start out with only one head and tail but the older they get, the more heads and tails they grow to a maximum of 14.
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Captain Avenger

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Re: The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of
Reply #7 - Jun 22nd, 2013 at 12:11am
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Here's another idea I recently came up with. I call it “Project V“. A high-tech laboratory named Dynamics Labs, secretly created five androids who are to be used in the battle field in replacement of most machinery like tanks or trucks. Each android has a special power like superstrength, concealed weapons or superspeed. But something goes wrong with their AIs and they become self-aware. The five androids decide to take over the whole DL compound and begin to turn it into a fortress to prevent the military from entering while they demand the government allow them to take over the state (GM's choice) as their own. While they await for an answer they are quickly building a robot army so the heroes assigned to take the compound back are racing against time to stop the androids scheme before time and the androids start an invasion of the rest of the country.
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