Normal Topic Hit Me!! (Read 2898 times)

I Roll Too Many 20's

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Hit Me!!
May 25th, 2014 at 3:29pm
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Wade Higgins went back to his room in the sleazy hotel so he could pick up the rock. He had spent the last week at the Casino's and his luck had gone cold. Ten Grand would be a new start and he knew he could bank roll that into a Bundle!!

He threw the rock into the trunk of his Lexus and watched it roll around some before settling in the corner. A shoe box would have been a good fit for it. Wade didn't have a shoe box. Whatever.

Wade stopped at a Diner and ordered up a "Hungrier Man" platter, woofed it down, winked at the waitress he had been flirting with and left three times the regular tip for breakfast. Hey Big Spender!

He gassed up the Lexus and headed down highway forty one to where he was supposed to make the switch. They get the Rock and he gets his money. They said around this time of the week? Right? Wade stopped exactly 18.3 miles outside Phoenix and waited for an entire forty five minutes. Where the hell were these assholes? This is bullshit. Wade thought he would be the bigger man and gave them another fifteen minutes before he headed back to his apartment in The Phoenix Burbs. Screw this, he left.

Wade parked the Lexus a few houses down and walked to the Liqour store. He was planning on grabbing a six pack but was a little light in the wallet so he settled on two Tall Boys and a bag of Trail Mix. It would do for now.

He noticed his apartment door was closed but not locked and Wade could hear the TV on inside. He was cautious going in but man he was dead tired and getting annoyed too.

Inside sitting on Wades Comfy Chair was a huge pair of shoulders and massive head. Wade figured out who his visitor was. Brick. The guy looked like a seven foot tall Brick Building in Bicycle shorts. Lotsa muscle but not too much going on upstairs. What the hell time was it anyway? What channel was that, Commercial? He was waiting for Jeopardy? Seriously?

Wade was no fool. If they sent Brick to do the collecting he doubted it was going to be trade. Brick was muscle, not a errand boy. Wade figured he had two choices. Hit Brick with one of those Blasts he now could do or instead Wade could just turn and run.

Wade Higgins was no coward and he was no man's fool. He was  a Gambler!! Wade went with option three instead.

"Hey Brick!!" "You want a Beer?"
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The Master Cylinder

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Re: Hit Me!!
Reply #1 - May 25th, 2014 at 9:48pm
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I have to say, playing  the Heavy Hitter was fun.   

He is such an asshole.  It will not end well.

I am scary, very, very scary.
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I Roll Too Many 20's

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Re: Hit Me!!
Reply #2 - Jun 22nd, 2014 at 10:55am
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  Suprisingly enough, well, maybe not so suprisingly Brick took the beer. Wade spent the next few minutes talking to Brick and as Wade sometimes does he started to complain. Too many references to Dr. Adamant and even with the Good Dr. not being around his force of personality took over. Brick remembered what he was supposed to be doing there and eventually took a swipe at Wade.

  Man, Wade was pissed after that. Wade fired blasts of his new but still unknown energy. Brick took a few hits but the misses blew out Wades new Plasma Television as well as the front wall of his apartment!! They took it out into the street and all Wade could think about and scream about was his Plasma TV and Security Deposit. Boy Oh Boy was Dr Adamant gonna pay for that!!!! I mean literrally pay for that. Wade wanted an extra three grand now.

  As Wade hit the streets he felt a few stings to his back. Seems like somone else was in the mix as he could hear the pings and richochets of something bouncing off his mightily armored skin. Well screw that, it didn't hurt and Brick was right there in front of him. The two Behemoths went back at it. Brick swinging wildlly and The Heavy Hitter blasting away.

  At one point Wade became so frustrated he took the Meteorite he was still holding and threw it at Brick. Sadly Wade was not aware of his unbound new strength also and the Meteorite slammed through several cars stopping just short of his own Lexus.

  Holy Crap!!! Wade was Super Strong Too!!!! Yeah Baby!!!

  Now it was fun time. Wade and Brick went head to head and started smashing at each other. Wade kept feeling those little Bee Stings and finally caught sight of a Woman in black wearing goggles. Kinda like the evil Librarian look. Wade was digging that and let her know. She smiled at him and stepped back into the shadows only to appear a hundred feet away and fired a few more bullets at him from a short rifle she carried. Bitch.

  Wade sent several blasts her way as she rolled and dodged back in and out of the shadows. He got sick of playing around with Brick and grabbed a telephone Pole. "Man" he thought, "I can rip down telephone poles!!!"

  Wade shattered the pole across Bricks mid section and sent him flying. He still had a baseball bat size piece of wood in his hands and flung it at The Lady Shadow. Of course luck is not always on Wades side so instead it went straight into his apartment. Oh, he was now really pissed.

  Without realizing what he was doing Wade let out a primal scream and started to grow taller and bulkier. This was Awesome!!! Super Strong, Energy Blasts and now Giant Size???? Who is gonna stop The Heavy Hitter Now!!! Nobody!!! Spikes even grew out od his skin!!

  Wade decided to use his size and might to Grapple with Brick. The two clashed and Wade got a good hold of Brick and picked him up. When Wade Body Slammed Brick into the pavement it created a two hundred foot crater and sent shockwaves up and down the street. The sound was deafening but not so much that Wade could not hear the crack coming from Bricks, well, Brick skin.

  You might figure that anyone else may have considered it over. Not Wade, hell No, he was still crazed about his Plasma TV and Security deposit!! He gathered his Will and released a mighty circle of energy that took out anything in a two hundred foot radius. Brick and maybe Lady Shadow too.

  Wade was exhausted and he could now hear the sirens as well as every alarm going off in the vicinity. Wade took a step towards the Lexus to make his getaway but it wasn't there any more. Some of it was, the tires and some interior. That was it.

  So what do you do when you are Super Strong???? You take a Giant Leap in the air and hope for the best........
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I Roll Too Many 20's

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Re: Hit Me!!
Reply #3 - Nov 2nd, 2014 at 11:31am
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  So Wade took a flying leap and then another. Four miles in two jumps and a few giant craters later he was close to his Girl, Cherry Tarts Apartment. Being a modest man Wade borrowed a lawn flag to cover his nakedness. Gota figure that turning into a twelve foot giant thing, all the clothes get ripped off. Maybe some science geek can invent him purple stretchy pants or something.

Wade is in mood mood to wait for Cherry to get home so he sneakes around the side and busts open a window. Just a quick transformation to force it up and he is in. Man was he tired. Three am with the drive, the fight and all. He just needs some sleep.

Three hours later Wade hears the key hit the door. It's cool. It's only Cherry. She's pissed and he doesn't care. Shut up, keep the noise down and wake me when breakfast is ready in about six hours. Get off my back, I had a rough week, you know the drill with Wade.

It's noon when he hears the door again. Wade gets up and see Cherry walking back in with a small Fedex box. It's for Him. Wade shakes it, smells it. Hey, could be a bomb or something. Not sure why he smelled it though. Too bad, Wade can't wait and rips it open like an eight year old on Christmas Day.

  It's a phone. WTF!!. Not even a cool phone but one of those cheesey throw away flip phones. Jeez, welcome to 2014.

  Wade powers it up and theere is a simple text message and a number to call back.

  "Wade, yeah, you know you still owe me 20K. Well My Man, It's your Lucky day. I got a sweet deal brewing were you can make an easy 250 Grand, wipe out what you owe me and ride easy for a while. Meet me at my place at 2pm. Mako"

  Yeah, a message from Wades loan Shark.

  "Hey Cherry! I got a new deal in the works. It's gonna make us, uh, 100 Grand.........."
« Last Edit: Nov 2nd, 2014 at 11:33am by THE ONI »  
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The Master Cylinder

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Re: Hit Me!!
Reply #4 - Nov 2nd, 2014 at 7:46pm
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This adventure couldn't have ended more perfect had it been a Hollywood script.   That is all I will say until you actually finish the write up.

I am scary, very, very scary.
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I Roll Too Many 20's

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Re: Hit Me!!
Reply #5 - Nov 8th, 2014 at 12:25pm
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  Wade just couldn’t wait. He kept himself busy with a call to his insurance agent, hey some type of weird explosion ruined his apartment the night before, and he stopped at the bank to garb a few thousand bucks. After that he showed up an hour earlier at Mako’s place. Wade came stomping in like he owned the place and bantered with a couple of thugs who not so long ago had been willing to break his legs for the money he owed Mako. Hey! That’s all in the past now, right?

  Mako brought him into the back room and explained his plan. It was a sweet deal and would clear Wade’s debt as well as land him a big score! It was all but idiot proof but Mako would not give him the details. Just head to the new Sports Gambling Casino in Vegas, Winners. Mako had set it up so Wade would be one of one hundred players in the World Poker Championship. He was going to win and for three days he would live like a King, all expenses paid! What could go wrong?

  Well, Wade had a few days to kill prior so he paid off his credit cards and went to meet up with his buddies, all criminal henchmen for a night of cards. Man, Wade was in the groove that night. He did his usual song and dance and the boys rehashed old times. The score that went bad with Dr Adamant, The night Larry almost got caught by the Feds while working a job for the Infamous Dr. Frog.

  What’s with all the Dr’s being Evil Geniuses nowadays anyway?
« Last Edit: Nov 8th, 2014 at 12:31pm by THE ONI »  
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I Roll Too Many 20's

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Re: Hit Me!!
Reply #6 - Nov 15th, 2014 at 2:23pm
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Thursday morning Wade hops on a plane to Vegas. He could have driven but what's a few extra bucks to The Heavy Hitter now that he is going to be rolling in cash. His rooms are awesome and he notices the poker Tournamant is being covered by the new ESPN 3 Channel. Wade gets in front of the camera and is actually recognized as being the childhood star from those TV commercials. Looks like he is back in the spotlight again baby!!!

  That night he heads to The Lions Den bar and is Telepathically contacted by a female voice. She tells him to stay calm and just listen. He can call her Misty and she will be helping him out during the Tournament. All he has to do is "play his cards right" and they will all be ritch.

  The next evening right before the one hundred players begin the doors to the Casino burst open and three people come storming in to loud music. The first is a tall Gentleman with long gray brown hair in Western Clothes. There he is, The High Roller himself. Behind him trail his obvious bodygaurds. The High Roller starts with the jabs and insults to all the other players immediately. Wade of course likes Him immediately.

  As the first hands are dealt Wade hears instructions in his mind, Hold on this one. Wade raises and loses. She told him to Hold!!! Wade says he was just testing the waters and relax Baby. The next few hands  go by and Wade listens to Misty and takes the pot in a record forty five minutes. He is the first winner of the night and those lovely cameras are back in Wades face and he soaks it up like a dry sponge. He is back in his element.

  That night Wade throws a bash in his rooms and wakes up late enough to waste some time before the next game. Win tonight and tomorrow they could sit down for the final game. Tonights game is longer and tougher. Who knew that sweet Ethel Krands, a fifty three year old houesewife from Michigan,  would be such a tiger at the Poker Table!!!

  Wade throws her off balance with continuous inuendos and she almost vomits on Him. Hey whatever it takes to win. it does in fact take a few hours but once again with the help of Misty, Wade cashes in again.

One more night of partying and it's time to go again. Five players sit down at the table and The High Roller is one of them along with Wade. After the first round is dealt though Wade hears Misty in his mind again.  "Problem, I can't read this Guy." Aw Shit, but hey, Wade is riding High now! He doesn't need any parlor tricks to take these Bozo's out.

  The heavy Hitter checks his cards. Four Kings on the first Hand!!!!! ALL IN BABY!!!!!!!

  There is no turning back and man the shit talking starts between The Heavy Hitter and The High Roller. 

When the High Roller turns over his four Aces Wade goes NUTS!!!!!

  He transforms into the full form of The Heavy Hitter and swats the poor form of The High Roller across the room and it's on. Wade goes racing for the Gold they rolled out earlier in a friggin giant restored carriage. No horses of course.

  The two body gaurds go racing towards Wade and he finally recognizes them as Apex and Mayhem. Two Meta Humans with a bit of a shady reputation themselves.

  Apex reacts and cracks The Heavy Hitter in the ribs. Wade barely notices in his twelve foot invulnerable armored form and Mayhem fires pink balls of energy at him. Who cares!!! This is Wades time to shine and he damn well deserves that Gold.

  The two get in his way and Wade is getting pissed. He fires blasts of his own energy at Apex and lands a solid punch. Apex doesn't move either but he looks damn suprised.

  That's it. Wade wants what is His and nothing is going to stop Him. He hears Misty in his mind and she is heading out the back hallways. He gets the money and they can meet up. Who knows what else they could accomplish, a Telepath and a Brick.

Wade stares at Apex and Mayhem.

  "Get out of my way or I swear I'll kill you both" he growls.

  Mayhem starts to rise in the air over Apex's shoulder when Wade hears Apex say to her, " Careful hun, think about the Baby"

  Wade does not even suprise Himself by saying " I'll eat the fucking Baby!!!!"

  Mayhem is a tough chick and does not scare easily. She also figures maybe something can work here. "Halfsies?"

  The deal is struck and the "Battle" continues as Mayhem flies over the carriage and pushes out the back wall that was recently blown apart due to some careless energy blasts.

  Wade and Apex toss each other around and out the same hole. The next move is Wades and grabs up as much Gold as he can, just about half of the pile and uses his Super Strength to leap a few miles away.

  As he takes off he can see below him a giant explosion in Pink.

  It was actually kind of pretty he thought.
« Last Edit: Nov 15th, 2014 at 3:03pm by THE ONI »  
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It's all about blowin'
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Re: Hit Me!!
Reply #7 - Nov 16th, 2014 at 9:52am
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I'll eat the fucking Baby!!!!

Bravo!  Epic line right there!


Anticipation of death is worse than death itself -- Steven Segal
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I Roll Too Many 20's

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Re: Hit Me!!
Reply #8 - Nov 16th, 2014 at 10:37am
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Paul wrote on Nov 16th, 2014 at 9:52am:
I'll eat the fucking Baby!!!!

Bravo!  Epic line right there!


I was laughing my ass off when John said it. Heroes are fun. Villains are Hysterical!!

« Last Edit: Nov 16th, 2014 at 10:38am by THE ONI »  
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I Roll Too Many 20's

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Re: Hit Me!!
Reply #9 - Jan 25th, 2015 at 1:22pm
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Wade leaps his way to safety and sneaks back to the abandoned warehouse they use to play cards and as a safe house.

He meets up with Larry and hears the really great news. Looks like The Ultimate has seen the limited video footage of Wade and vows that a monster of such power cannot be left un punished. The Ultimate vows to subdue him.

Larry suggest a "vacation" to Peru. Seems like Dr. Frog is hiring.........
« Last Edit: Jan 25th, 2015 at 1:22pm by THE ONI »  
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