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Justice Leaguer

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Re: Skills?
Jun 10th, 2009 at 11:31am
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dsumner wrote on Apr 28th, 2009 at 12:37am:

The maximum number of skill’s a character can learn is limited to his Int score, unless he has some type of special abilities/powers. So a character with an Int of 12, would be able to have twelve skills.

Skill Rolls - Base % chance = 70% + 3% per the appropriate attribute score over 11 - any difficulty modifiers. Training in a skill adds 5% per level.

Example: Doc Mayhem has the Robotics skill. His base % chance for performing a skill is 70%. His Intelligence score is 23, or 12 points over the minimum, so he receives a bonus (12 x 3 = 36, or a 36% bonus for his INT). 70% (his base %) + 36% (his bonus) = 106% chance to perform any Robotics related task, minus any difficulty modifiers the GM applies.


Area Knowledge
Accuracy: +1 to hit
Animal Handling
Escape Artist
Fast Talk
- Business
- Civics
- Criminology
- Occultism
- Philosophy
- Politics
- Psychology
- Religion (pretty much anything you can think of)
Performing Arts
- Fire Fighter
- Law Enforcement
- Soldier (a few common examples from comics)
- Cybernetics
- Robotics (just two examples)
SCUBA Diving
Street Wise
Tracking - 1% per hour since the initial trail was made. -5% per hour for each hour of rain/snow.

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Re: Skills?
Reply #1 - Jun 10th, 2009 at 1:01pm
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Justice Leaguer

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Re: Skills?
Reply #2 - Jun 10th, 2009 at 2:15pm
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I've toyed with a couple of skill systems, of varying degrees of specificity.  I tried using the general areas of knowledge bit, with a mechanic leveraging inventing points to determine how many you could start with and how many you could add per level, if you wanted to (again, I used the Inventing Points thing extensively, so you got a number of training slots per level equal to your inventing points per level).  This lacked specificity, but let you do things that you could argue were covered under your area of expertise.  I've played with a couple of different more specific skill regimes as well.  I prefer the looser area of knowledge approach, but then that tends to short-change characters who are defined by their skills more than anything else.

The above looks good.  I've got some tinkering to do, clearly.  One of the things that always became a bit bunged up is how certain tasks (like combat) have a whole specialized system, but also seem like they should fit into a skill-resolution system.  Perhaps a skill-resolution table, similar to the combat table?

Chim, thanks for the feedback, that's the kind of stuff I'm looking for when I post material.

Hmmm...  this has me thinking, now...

Imagine a skill resolution table, with a set of difficulty ratings across the top and attribute value ranges down the side.  The cells contain the target number you've got to get below.  The player can use the table if he or she has a relevant area of knowledge.  The GM determines the difficulty (determined independently of the character's abilities) -- that is, a base how tough is it and then moving it right or left depending on circumstantial modifiers.  The character then finds his or her box on the left that contains the range in which the relevant stat is found.  The character uses that box if he or she has a relevant area of knowledge.  If he or she doesn't, he or she either has to move up the table (that is, roll as if he or she has a lower relevant attribute) or may not be allowed to roll at all (the GM might determine that the feat cannot be attempted at all without at least *some* training or background).  One 'slot' of area of knowledge (AOK) allows the hero to use his or her stat row.  If one chooses to stack AOK slots on the same AOK, then he or she can move one row down (in other words, treating his or her relevant attribute as being higher) for each additional AOK slot devoted to that AOK.

It's a quick brain-fart, but what do you think?

So if I'm reading this correctly, you'd have skills tables similar to the one that lists powers. It would list specific skills and target die rolls, dependent on the player's characteristics, correct? I'd have to see it in action before I made a decision if I liked it or not, but I'd be willing to give it a shot for a few games, just to see how it worked out.

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Justice Leaguer

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Re: Skills?
Reply #3 - Jun 10th, 2009 at 2:33pm
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OK, that's a lot clearer to me. If you get a chance to work this into your games, let us know how it works our for you. Any, other suggestions?

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The Master Cylinder

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Re: Skills?
Reply #4 - Jun 10th, 2009 at 6:44pm
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I use a skill system.  I keep it simple.  If you  have the skill then you roll for success on 1d20.  If you don' then you roll on 1d100.

Look at it like this; the player wants to get the skill lockpicking.    I assign it to Aglity.  So when the player wants to use his skill he rolls vs his aglity on 1d20.  Lets say his agilty is 15.  He rolls a 12.  He beat his aglity by 3 so he succeeds.    Had he rolled a 3 he would have a success aof 12 and did it so good legends will speak of the time he picked the lock so well.

Now the same guy tries to juggle.  He does not have the skill. He rolls 1d100 because anyone can try something they are not trained in and succeed once in a blue moon.  The player rolls a 23 and fumbles the juggling attempt.

The hard part is picking a stat to go with the skill.   

I don't have a list, me and the player work it out when they decide they want to get a skill.   Some skills in my game these;

search:  Intellegence
Robe climbing: aglity
finance: intellgence
intimidation: charisma

You get the point.  Now, as the GM I reserve the right to modifiy due to circumstances or how difficult the task is.
I use this simple chart
Difficult: -5

Some skills don't need a die roll but modifiy a die roll.  Things like Marksmenship will give +2 when using guns.  Or Swordsmanship will give a flat +2 with swords.

So skills work in two ways; either a flat 10% bonus on an existing die roll, or they give a stat d20 roll.

Let me know if this rambing makes sense.

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Justice Leaguer

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Re: Skills?
Reply #5 - Jun 10th, 2009 at 10:41pm
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I tried posting my Skills system, but until we fix the "caps" problem, I think it's going to be impossible.  I spent a bunch of time re-writing things in a number of places, but there's too many instances of the Basic Characteristics being abbreviated next to Skills with I - N - T , etc.
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Justice Leaguer

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Re: Skills?
Reply #6 - Jun 10th, 2009 at 10:43pm
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4.3 Generating Nonplayer Characters

E. Origin and Background


     Often in V&V it is necessary to know a character’s knowledge or ability in a certain area of life.  Sometimes a Basic Characteristic isn’t enough to reflect the skills or expertise that a person may have.  Following are over 100 Skills that cover most areas and subjects.  When attempting to determine a character’s ability in an area, if the specific Skill can not be found among those given, then either give the character a save in the appropriate Basic Characteristic, or let them make a roll under “Other” (if this better fits the situation).
     To determine how many Skill points that a character gets to distribute, roll 1d6 and add the total to their Intelligence.  This is the total number of points they get to spend on Skills, allocated however the player wants.
     Keep in mind that there are four Skills that most American characters will want to have, to reflect abilities used in everyday life: Charm (used for all kinds of interactions between people), Computers, Swimming, and Driving.  Not every character will have these Skills, however.
     Characters get some “freebies” (usually two of them) for the Skills that are best associated with the rolls they got in their Areas of Knowledge (V&V Rulebook p. 31).  When in doubt, the player can choose what they feel is closest.  For example, the superhero Majestic rolled “Scientist” and “Performing Arts”.  His written origin says that he was skilled in drama in High School, and that he then studied forensics at the FBI Academy.  Thus, he gets Acting and Forensics for free.
     After that, each character then gets 4-6 (1d3 + 3) free "Practical" or "Scholar" skills, to encompass life experiences.  As an example again, Thomas Carter (Majestic) was an M.P. in the Marine Corps, and his interests and hobbies are puppetry, snowboarding, and swimming.  With a roll of a two (for five total picks), he takes 1 each in Military, Criminology, Entertainment, Athletics, and Swimming (to summarize things already listed in his background).
     Thus, since Majestic rolled a 5 (on the 1d6) to begin with, he receives 5 + 13 (his Intelligence), plus the 2 for his Areas of Knowledge, plus the 5 background picks, for a total of 25 total points.  Characters also get a point for each Experience level that they attain.  Therefore, each time a character increases in Intelligence, or goes up a level, they gain a new point to put into a Skill.
     Most Skills will be at Level 1, but each character may want to shine in a few areas, taking things to Level 2 (spending 2 points in that Skill).  Characters who want to become really knowledgeable or skilled at a certain area can go all the way up to Level 3 in a Skill.  In addition, each character can pick one Skill that is “favored”, that they can take all the way to Level 5 (which reflects an “expert” level).  The GM should make every effort to insure that two PCs on the same superhero team are not experts in the same exact Skill, thus allowing for variety and giving each character the opportunity to shine in different circumstances.
     Skills rolls are always made on a d20, against a formula of “Skill Level + 9 + (Basic Characteristic/5)”.  If someone does not have any Skill in a certain area, they not only add 0 for the Skill Level, but suffer an additional – 5 to their roll.
     For example, let’s say Majestic comes across a strange piece of hardware at a remote installation in the woods.  The GM decides that a Military skill roll is appropriate, and on his character sheet it shows Scholar: Military 1/13.  He gets the 13 by adding a Skill Level of 1 (the first number listed) to 9, and then by adding the relevant Basic Characteristic (in this case Intelligence) divided by 5.  His Intelligence is 14; dividing it by 5 gives us a total of 2.8, which rounds off to 3.  Thus, 1 + 9 + 3 = 13.  Majestic needs to roll a 13 or less on d20 to determine what the item of technology is and how to operate it.
     For a second example, let’s say Majestic is forced to do an impromptu medical operation in the field.  The GM picks Surgery as the Skill to use, and Majestic must make a roll of 7 or less to succeed.  This number comes from him having no Skill in that area (Skill Level of 0), plus the 9 and the 3, and adds in the – 5 since it is not a Skill that Majestic possesses.  This gives him a total of 7.
     Now, if Dr. Desist, the famous Beverly Hills surgeon, had tried, the results would probably be quite different.  Desist has a Skill Level of 5 in Medical: Surgery.  With his Intelligence of 39 it means that he is 5 (Skill Level) + 9 + 8 (his Intelligence of 39/5) = 22.  This becomes written on his character sheet as Medical: Surgery 5/23.  Dr. Desist needs to roll anything other than a 20 (which always fails, as per Saving Throws in 8.8) to succeed at the same task that Majestic (trained up to a Paramedic) would usually fail at.
     If it is deemed appropriate, the GM may impose a penalty of -3, -5, or even -10 from a Skill roll to reflect difficulties or other factors.  If something is virtually impossible, allocating a penalty of -15 or -20 would be preferable to making the character roll their Skill on d100.
     Note that under the “Medical” Class above, it is not necessary for a person to have points in ALL of the various Skills, though it is possible.  For example, a surgeon might have a Skill Level of 3 in Surgery, but might have no Levels devoted to First Aid or Paramedic.  For most basic Medical issues, the GM will likely have the surgeon roll under Surgery (his highest Medical Skill).  Thus, a person with a Skill Level in Paramedic generally knows things regarding both First Aid and Paramedic, and a person with a Skill Level in Surgery is knowledgeable in First Aid and Paramedic as well (without having to devote Skill Ranks to the other, more basic Skills).  The GM should usually have the character pick their highest Medical Skill among the three.
     There are three ways to increase in one’s Skills.  Every time the character goes up in a relevant Characteristic, they have a chance at causing their total to go up in every Skill that is tied to that statistic.  Also, when a person trains in Intelligence, or goes up a level, they gain a point for each (just like they do at character creation).  The third way is by training in a specific Skill.  When a player does that, they should receive a bonus of +3 to the Skill they trained in.  This is not added to the Skill Rank itself, but to the overall total.

Skill Formula:  (Areas of Knowledge) + Int + 1d6 + Practical (1d3+3) + (Level)
« Last Edit: Jun 10th, 2009 at 10:50pm by Majestic »  
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Justice Leaguer

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Re: Skills?
Reply #7 - Jun 10th, 2009 at 10:49pm
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Majestic, could you do a quick edit, and put some paragraph breaks in there? It'd make it a whole lot easier to read.

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The Master Cylinder

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Re: Skills?
Reply #8 - Jun 10th, 2009 at 10:50pm
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Yes, I found it hard to read. Sorry, just being honest.

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Re: Skills?
Reply #9 - Jun 11th, 2009 at 3:46pm
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Majestic wrote on Jun 10th, 2009 at 10:41pm:
I tried posting my Skills system, but until we fix the "caps" problem, I think it's going to be impossible.  I spent a bunch of time re-writing things in a number of places, but there's too many instances of the Basic Characteristics being abbreviated next to Skills with I - N - T , etc.

Caps "problem" fixed. It wasn't really a problem, just prevents people from forum "YELLING". But I kind of hated taht setting so I turned it off. CAPS AWAY!    Cheesy

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Justice Leaguer

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Re: Skills?
Reply #10 - Jun 12th, 2009 at 1:36am
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Paul wrote on Jun 11th, 2009 at 3:46pm:
Majestic wrote on Jun 10th, 2009 at 10:41pm:
I tried posting my Skills system, but until we fix the "caps" problem, I think it's going to be impossible.  I spent a bunch of time re-writing things in a number of places, but there's too many instances of the Basic Characteristics being abbreviated next to Skills with I - N - T , etc.

Caps "problem" fixed. It wasn't really a problem, just prevents people from forum "YELLING". But I kind of hated taht setting so I turned it off. CAPS AWAY!    Cheesy

You rock, Paul.  I honestly wouldn't have posted as much if that would have stayed.

If you ever have a problem with people SPONTANEOUSLY YELLING, I'd suggest simply dealing with it on a case-by-case basis.    Cool

Thanks again!    Smiley
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Justice Leaguer

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Re: Skills?
Reply #11 - Jun 12th, 2009 at 1:39am
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John wrote on Jun 10th, 2009 at 10:50pm:
Yes, I found it hard to read. Sorry, just being honest.

No problem at all, guys.

That's not even all of it (I didn't include the Skills list, which is essentially a "secondary" character sheet that we include for each PC.

The reason it's formatted as you see it is to fit with the format for the V&V Rulebook.  They do no spaces between paragraphs, and simply indent each new paragraph (very old school).

I'll adjust it to make it easier to read, and see if I can include the other part.
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Justice Leaguer

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Re: Skills?
Reply #12 - Jun 12th, 2009 at 1:42am
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I'll have to do a repost, as (for some reason) it won't let me modify stuff on page one (it will, however, allow me to modify what I just wrote on page two).
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Justice Leaguer

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Re: Skills?
Reply #13 - Jun 12th, 2009 at 1:43am
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E. Origin and Background


     Often in V&V it is necessary to know a character’s knowledge or ability in a certain area of life.  Sometimes a Basic Characteristic isn’t enough to reflect the skills or expertise that a person may have.  Following are over 100 Skills that cover most areas and subjects.  When attempting to determine a character’s ability in an area, if the specific Skill can not be found among those given, then either give the character a save in the appropriate Basic Characteristic, or let them make a roll under “Other” (if this better fits the situation).

     To determine how many Skill points that a character gets to distribute, roll 1d6 and add the total to their Intelligence.  This is the total number of points they get to spend on Skills, allocated however the player wants.

     Keep in mind that there are four Skills that most American characters will want to have, to reflect abilities used in everyday life: Charm (used for all kinds of interactions between people), Computers, Swimming, and Driving.  Not every character will have these Skills, however.

     Characters get some “freebies” (usually two of them) for the Skills that are best associated with the rolls they got in their Areas of Knowledge (V&V Rulebook p. 31).  When in doubt, the player can choose what they feel is closest.  For example, the superhero Majestic rolled “Scientist” and “Performing Arts”.  His written origin says that he was skilled in drama in High School, and that he then studied forensics at the FBI Academy.  Thus, he gets Acting and Forensics for free.

     After that, each character then gets 4-6 (1d3 + 3) free "Practical" or "Scholar" skills, to encompass life experiences.  As an example again, Thomas Carter (Majestic) was an M.P. in the Marine Corps, and his interests and hobbies are puppetry, snowboarding, and swimming.  With a roll of a two (for five total picks), he takes 1 each in Military, Criminology, Entertainment, Athletics, and Swimming (to summarize things already listed in his background).

     Thus, since Majestic rolled a 5 (on the 1d6) to begin with, he receives 5 + 13 (his Intelligence), plus the 2 for his Areas of Knowledge, plus the 5 background picks, for a total of 25 total points.  Characters also get a point for each Experience level that they attain.  Therefore, each time a character increases in Intelligence, or goes up a level, they gain a new point to put into a Skill.

     Most Skills will be at Level 1, but each character may want to shine in a few areas, taking things to Level 2 (spending 2 points in that Skill).  Characters who want to become really knowledgeable or skilled at a certain area can go all the way up to Level 3 in a Skill.  In addition, each character can pick ONE Skill that is “favored”, that they can take all the way to Level 5 (which reflects an “expert” level).  The GM should make every effort to insure that two PCs on the same superhero team are not experts in the same exact Skill, thus allowing for variety and giving each character the opportunity to shine in different circumstances.

     Skills rolls are always made on a d20, against a formula of “Skill Level + 9 + (Basic Characteristic/5)”.  If someone does not have any Skill in a certain area, they not only add 0 for the Skill Level, but suffer an additional – 5 to their roll.

     For example, let’s say Majestic comes across a strange piece of hardware at a remote installation in the woods.  The GM decides that a Military skill roll is appropriate, and on his character sheet it shows Scholar: Military 1/13.  He gets the 13 by adding a Skill Level of 1 (the first number listed) to 9, and then by adding the relevant Basic Characteristic (in this case Intelligence) divided by 5.  His Intelligence is 14; dividing it by 5 gives us a total of 2.8, which rounds off to 3.  Thus, 1 + 9 + 3 = 13.  Majestic needs to roll a 13 or less on d20 to determine what the item of technology is and how to operate it.

     For a second example, let’s say Majestic is forced to do an impromptu medical operation in the field.  The GM picks Surgery as the Skill to use, and Majestic must make a roll of 7 or less to succeed.  This number comes from him having no Skill in that area (Skill Level of 0), plus the 9 and the 3, and adds in the – 5 since it is not a Skill that Majestic possesses.  This gives him a total of 7.

     Now, if Dr. Desist, the famous Beverly Hills surgeon, had tried, the results would probably be quite different.  Desist has a Skill Level of 5 in Medical: Surgery.  With his Intelligence of 39 it means that he is 5 (Skill Level) + 9 + 8 (his Intelligence of 39/5) = 22.  This becomes written on his character sheet as Medical: Surgery 5/23.  Dr. Desist needs to roll anything other than a 20 (which always fails, as per Saving Throws in 8.8) to succeed at the same task that Majestic (trained up to a Paramedic) would usually fail at.

     If it is deemed appropriate, the GM may impose a penalty of -3, -5, or even -10 from a Skill roll to reflect difficulties or other factors.  If something is virtually impossible, allocating a penalty of -15 or -20 would be preferable to making the character roll their Skill on d100.

     Note that under the “Medical” Class above, it is not necessary for a person to have points in ALL of the various Skills, though it is possible.  For example, a surgeon might have a Skill Level of 3 in Surgery, but might have no Levels devoted to First Aid or Paramedic.  For most basic Medical issues, the GM will likely have the surgeon roll under Surgery (his highest Medical Skill).  Thus, a person with a Skill Level in Paramedic generally knows things regarding both First Aid and Paramedic, and a person with a Skill Level in Surgery is knowledgeable in First Aid and Paramedic as well (without having to devote Skill Ranks to the other, more basic Skills).  The GM should usually have the character pick their highest Medical Skill among the three.

     There are three ways to increase in one’s Skills.  Every time the character goes up in a relevant Characteristic, they have a chance at causing their total to go up in every Skill that is tied to that statistic.  Also, when a person trains in Intelligence, or goes up a level, they gain a point for each (just like they do at character creation).  The third way is by training in a specific Skill.  When a player does that, they should receive a BONUS of +3 to the Skill they trained in.  This is not added to the Skill Rank itself, but to the overall total.

Skill Formula:  (Areas of Knowledge) + INT + 1d6 + Practical (1d3+3) + (Level)


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Justice Leaguer

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Re: Skills?
Reply #14 - Jun 12th, 2009 at 1:55am
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For each of the Skills posted, they will be in this format:

Skills (listed one by one)

Escape Artist



First Aid

Animal Handling


Body Language
Foreign Cultures
Law Enforcement



Surveillance Equipment



« Last Edit: Jun 12th, 2009 at 1:56am by Majestic »  
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Justice Leaguer

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Re: Skills?
Reply #15 - Jun 12th, 2009 at 2:00am
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Then, on the character sheet itself, it will list a value for each and every Skill, such as:

Bargaining 2/16
Archery 1/13
Politics 1/15
Literature 0/8

etc., etc.

For villains, I don't go through the hassle of listing all of their Skills.  At most I give them 3, or maybe 5 (sometimes a few more for a major villain).

So, then, when the time comes, it's always resolved on a 1d20.  If someone is trying to pick a lock, they simply consult their character sheet.  If it says:

Lockpicking 1/15, then they have to roll a 15 or less to succeed.  If the GM determines that it's a REALLY hard lock, he or she might just modify the roll by -5 or something.

Pretty simple and straightforward, it gives a LOT of weight to Intelligence (and quite a bit to Charisma, the "worthless" dump stat).    Grin
« Last Edit: Jun 12th, 2009 at 2:01am by Majestic »  
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Justice Leaguer

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Re: Skills?
Reply #16 - Jun 12th, 2009 at 2:04am
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One last thing.  My first run at a Skills system was years ago (with the same campaign) and it was much simpler.

I had it based on percentile, and only had 20 total skills.  It was decent, but there were just so many skills that weren't covered that I decided to upgrade to this more extensive one.

One might think it would/could bog the game down too much, but the reality is that it's completely up to each GM how much they want to use them.  We have a half dozen people that take turns GMing in our group, and some use them more than others.

They are always handy when the appropriate situation comes up, and they often give each character a chance to shine in their particular area.
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Doctor Foom
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Re: Skills?
Reply #17 - Jun 12th, 2009 at 10:56am
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The skill lists placed here are already comprehensive. Nice job!

In terms of the mechanic, I use this:

Skill Rules:
All players start the game with a number of skills equal to: Int /10 (rounded) +4

Anyone may add skills during a level advancement/training.

When using a skill, your chance at success is (primary stat for the skill + Level) x 3%
Example: John’ skill at Archeology is (his Intelligence (21) + his Level (3)) x 3 = 72%

Anyone may take any skill twice. Doing so makes the final multiplier a 4, not a 3.
Of your starting skills, one is assumed to have been doubled already, and is the character’s Primary Skill.
Example: Kirk’s primary skill is Computers: (Intelligence (15) + his Level (4)) x 4 = 76%

Conditions and Difficulties can modify a die roll negatively or positively, as determined by the GM.
« Last Edit: Jun 12th, 2009 at 10:57am by Doctor Foom »  
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Re: Skills?
Reply #18 - Jun 12th, 2009 at 11:00am
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The CAPS thing is a default setting. I just never bothered to play with it. But now that others find it annoying as well, I took the time (all of 20 seconds) to fix it.

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Doctor Foom
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Re: Skills?
Reply #19 - Jun 12th, 2009 at 1:58pm
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Majestic's post in Reply #18 gave me an idea.

What if all your starting skills were predetermined by your 2 Areas of Knowledge?

Then later skills can be whatever they decide to train/advance in.

Area of Knowledge, Crime, gives you a skill package of:
Streetwise, Stealth, and any two of the following:
Lockpicking, Bribery, Forgery, Disguise, Seduction, etc., etc.

The lazy man / purist in me likes it.
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Justice Leaguer

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Re: Skills?
Reply #20 - Jun 13th, 2009 at 1:10pm
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Doctor Foom wrote on Jun 12th, 2009 at 1:58pm:
Majestic's post in Reply #18 gave me an idea.

What if all your starting skills were predetermined by your 2 Areas of Knowledge?

Then later skills can be whatever they decide to train/advance in.

Area of Knowledge, Crime, gives you a skill package of:
Streetwise, Stealth, and any two of the following:
Lockpicking, Bribery, Forgery, Disguise, Seduction, etc., etc.

The lazy man / purist in me likes it.

This reminds me of the CODA system (by Decipher) which has 'Skill Packages' that you select during charcter creation to explain the background and origin of your character.
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Re: Skills?
Reply #21 - Jun 13th, 2009 at 1:57pm
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Not ready for posting just yet, but my skill system is predicated on not specifying things any finer than the areas of knowledge.  You can roll a skill check on things that fall in your area of knowledge.  So, if you have the Criminal area of knowledge, you can make a skill roll on anything you can justify to your GM as being part of that.
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Doctor Foom
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Re: Skills?
Reply #22 - Jun 14th, 2009 at 12:57pm
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Majestic wrote on Jun 13th, 2009 at 1:10pm:
Doctor Foom wrote on Jun 12th, 2009 at 1:58pm:
Majestic's post in Reply #18 gave me an idea.

What if all your starting skills were predetermined by your 2 Areas of Knowledge?

Then later skills can be whatever they decide to train/advance in.

Area of Knowledge, Crime, gives you a skill package of:
Streetwise, Stealth, and any two of the following:
Lockpicking, Bribery, Forgery, Disguise, Seduction, etc., etc.

The lazy man / purist in me likes it.

This reminds me of the CODA system (by Decipher) which has 'Skill Packages' that you select during charcter creation to explain the background and origin of your character.

Never played that.

But Chaosium's Stormbringer (the 80's red box version, with the beautiful Frank Brunner illos) had it too.
Also, Daredevils by FGU had a similar thing.
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The Master Cylinder

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Re: Skills?
Reply #23 - Jun 14th, 2009 at 1:00pm
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I always wanted to try Daredevils.

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I Roll Too Many 20's

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Re: Skills?
Reply #24 - Jun 14th, 2009 at 1:17pm
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Doctor Foom wrote on Jun 14th, 2009 at 12:57pm:
Majestic wrote on Jun 13th, 2009 at 1:10pm:
Doctor Foom wrote on Jun 12th, 2009 at 1:58pm:
Majestic's post in Reply #18 gave me an idea.

What if all your starting skills were predetermined by your 2 Areas of Knowledge?

Then later skills can be whatever they decide to train/advance in.

Area of Knowledge, Crime, gives you a skill package of:
Streetwise, Stealth, and any two of the following:
Lockpicking, Bribery, Forgery, Disguise, Seduction, etc., etc.

The lazy man / purist in me likes it.

This reminds me of the CODA system (by Decipher) which has 'Skill Packages' that you select during charcter creation to explain the background and origin of your character.

Never played that.

But Chaosium's Stormbringer (the 80's red box version, with the beautiful Frank Brunner illos) had it too.
Also, Daredevils by FGU had a similar thing.

  RIFTS had something similiar. You started with set skills based off the type of chararcter Class/Occupation you had and then were able to add a few from there but you were not as knowledgeable in those since they would be more like hobbies, although they got better with levels. RIFTS was a great concept with excellent artwork and storyline but the worst combat system ever created.

  By the way, I loved StormBringer.
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Doctor Foom
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Re: Skills?
Reply #25 - Jun 14th, 2009 at 8:24pm
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Me too.
Daredevils was perfect for that 30's pulp fiction genre: Doc Savage, Sam Spade, the Shadow, Indiana Jones.

I'm gonna start a thread to continue this.
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Justice Leaguer

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Re: Skills?
Reply #26 - Jun 16th, 2009 at 11:03pm
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John wrote on Jun 14th, 2009 at 1:00pm:
I always wanted to try Daredevils.

We played it a few times (at least once, maybe more) and had a good enough time, but it was so long ago I don't remember a thing about it, other than the setting/genre.
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Dr. wierd

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Re: Skills?
Reply #27 - Aug 14th, 2009 at 9:36pm
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I liked the system that they used in th James bond game made by Victory games
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Justice Leaguer

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Re: Skills?
Reply #28 - Aug 21st, 2009 at 2:01pm
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Dr. wierd wrote on Aug 14th, 2009 at 9:36pm:
I liked the system that they used in th James bond game made by Victory games

Yes, that's actually probably my favorite role-playing system of all time.  Works best for a single player (and GM), though.
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Teen Titan

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Re: Skills?
Reply #29 - Sep 6th, 2009 at 12:29am
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Doctor Foom wrote on Jun 12th, 2009 at 1:58pm:
What if all your starting skills were predetermined by your 2 Areas of Knowledge?

That's how I've always played it, with the caveat that some nuanced skills might come the character's origin and powers. I've always followed that guidelines laid out in the rules that a characters' Intelligence and Age/Level will influence how effective those skills happen to be.
« Last Edit: Sep 6th, 2009 at 12:32am by SuperFriend »  
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Justice Leaguer

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Re: Skills?
Reply #30 - Sep 13th, 2009 at 12:34am
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Majestic wrote on Aug 21st, 2009 at 2:01pm:
Dr. wierd wrote on Aug 14th, 2009 at 9:36pm:
I liked the system that they used in th James bond game made by Victory games

Yes, that's actually probably my favorite role-playing system of all time.  Works best for a single player (and GM), though.

One thing I got from the James Bond game was how to start any session.  Something quick, fun and interesting that gets the player(s) interested in what is going on.  With James Bond it was usually a car chase, or something like that, but I've found it useful in almost any genre gaming.
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Teen Titan

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Re: Skills?
Reply #31 - Sep 15th, 2009 at 11:18pm
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Here's a question for Majestic and others who uses an expanded list of subskills.

The revised rules give some guidelines about how inheritor works, and in other sections: medicien and legal, and crime. I basically interpret the other knowledge areas as useful background areas about the character.

With some of the practical skills, like "survival" or "investigation," how does this affect the player in game terms? Are there specific bonuses they receive?

Fer Doctor Foom, this might apply to some of the skills I saw on yer sight? How, for example, would "leadership" (Soldier) help a character beyond the reg. charisma bonuses?

It sounds like some of you have thought about skills in more detail than me, so I'm interested in seein' what you've thought through.
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Doctor Foom
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Re: Skills?
Reply #32 - Sep 16th, 2009 at 6:50pm
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SuperFriend wrote on Sep 15th, 2009 at 11:18pm:
Fer Doctor Foom, this might apply to some of the skills I saw on yer sight? How, for example, would "leadership" (Soldier) help a character beyond the reg. charisma bonuses?

Hi SF!
Leadership skill helps the morale rolls of your unit, to prevent them from breaking or help them recover if they've broken.
It can add to reaction rolls of unit NPCs during speech-making or other situations.
Therefore, it's a strong signal to others that this character might be especially suited for team leader.

Comicbook example: Captain America!!
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Justice Leaguer

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Re: Skills?
Reply #33 - Sep 26th, 2009 at 8:41pm
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SuperFriend wrote on Sep 15th, 2009 at 11:18pm:
Here's a question for Majestic and others who uses an expanded list of subskills.

The revised rules give some guidelines about how inheritor works, and in other sections: medicien and legal, and crime. I basically interpret the other knowledge areas as useful background areas about the character.

With some of the practical skills, like "survival" or "investigation," how does this affect the player in game terms? Are there specific bonuses they receive?

Fer Doctor Foom, this might apply to some of the skills I saw on yer sight? How, for example, would "leadership" (Soldier) help a character beyond the reg. charisma bonuses?

It sounds like some of you have thought about skills in more detail than me, so I'm interested in seein' what you've thought through.

For most of our Skills, the GM makes a call in each and every situation, so it's very much up to each individual GM.  A number of our GMs are even so free-form that they say "Okay, Player A, go ahead and give me a roll if you have a Skill with any of the following: Medicine, Physiology, or Forensics!"

So for the Skills you suggested above, a roll on Survival would be rare (obviously it would be more common in a fantasy campaign than in a supers), but I can imagine a GM might simply make a character in such a situation roll to see how their character makes it through the night (say in a snowstorm or alone in the mountains, etc.).  Investigation would be a much more commonly used Skill, and it usually would be the GM asking the character to make a roll, and if he/she succeeds the GM might give the character a clue or point them in the right direction.

Hope that helps; don't hesitate to ask if you've got more questions!   Smiley
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The Master Cylinder

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Re: Skills?
Reply #34 - Sep 26th, 2009 at 9:16pm
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Things like Surivival might work like this;  In a hostial environment like the dessert,  a character with survival would get a Id20 save per day to NOT lose hits due to heat, thirst or what not.  If they make their roll, they can find some water, food, shelter, etc...  Where as some guy without this skill would get an Id100.


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