Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) Politics and Religon (Read 1812 times)

The Master Cylinder

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Politics and Religon
Jun 28th, 2016 at 12:36pm
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Captain Whar Lok gave up looking for Mother.  What ever became of her, it was no longer his concern.  He took to the sky and left.  Not wanting to return to CHESS, the people that kept him under surveillance, he went looking for a place to call home.
He came to Island Zero, after all wasn’t Island Zero also an anomaly?

He came in low, close to the water.  The militaries of four nations still patrolled and enforced the Zero Proclamation, keeping this place neutral ground. He soared in fast.  For some reason he became disoriented and had to land.  He lost sight of the shore.  He then recalled the nature of this place and how it exists in many places at once, like the legends of Leng, or Tanlorn. 

It was best to search on foot.  Flying covered too much distance, and risked too much confusion.
He, after a week of back tracking and frustration, found it.  The Hive!

The Hive was created by Dr. Robug, a diminutive genius with a fondness for Robots and insects. He was rejected as a member of the Octagon, and tried to prove himself with a grand gesture.  He empowered an army of women and one feebleminded savant, Dr. Saturday.  He was defeated, but his technological marvel, the Hive, still stands.

The Island has a way of reclaiming what doesn’t belong there, and the Hive was in the process of being devoured.   Huge reptile like insects, acidic plants, and small metal digesting protozoa were breaking it down when the Captain battled and cleaned the place up.  He restarted the Nanobugs, small robots designed to maintain and repair the hive.  He was repairing the wall when a large bee like creature fumbled in.  Warlock recognized the thing.  It was Morty.

Morty was one of the Beekeeper’s bees.  Could this mean one of the oldest, smartest, most powerful beings in the Universe was close by?  Captain Warlock looked over his shoulder, half in fear, and half in anticipation. 
The Beekeeper was there.

He greeted Warlock with a smile.  The Beekeeper was of the race of Gnomoi, or as we call them Gnomes.  He was small, ruddy, barefoot, wearing brown rags and a small brown conical cap was on his bulbous head. He was one of the Engineers, the race created by the Eldari too plan out the galaxy, to make it a grand, clockwork paradise for the glory of the High Eldari. 

They disappeared as they preferred the natural evolution over the planed perfection.   They left no word, no grand exit, just one day, eons ago, they left.

They were ashamed of their tinkering and how, through their greatest invention; the Stellar Rods of the Stellar Patrol, caused the extinction of so many races.   The Beekeeper was the first Engineer to be seen by anyone in thousands of years.

He took Warlock for a walk.  They talked for hours about flora, fauna, philosophy, and science.  Warlock was surprised to see they were on the shore, near the structure you see from the Japanese side of the island.   And as always you could see the Bad Shepherd, guarding the eggs that hatched monsters.

By the entrance to the building were three people, two nearly 7 foot tall, the third a teenaged boy.
The two tall people, Rann Thanagar, and La Zen, were of the Udall, Atalantian Colonists that settled a nearby world and lived in peace, prosperity and indifference to the rest of the universe.  The teenager was a wanted criminal leader, called the Prince.

Rann and La recognized Warlock as a Moevian and politely insulted him and his people.  The Prince wondered loudly if talking to this member of CHESS was a good idea.  La assured him no harm would come of this.

They opened the building and the stark beauty of the interior impressed the aliens.   Warlock was shocked to see the walls decorated with words in Alpha Math.   He needed to learn that mathematical language.   The building was a Vril Chamber.   The Prince stripped and entered into a Dodecahedron.   The aliens accompanied Warlock to the Hive were he acted as a good host.  He talked to them about Cosmic Unity and how all the people of the Seed should be united.
Rann and La enjoyed the debate.  For three days they politely ridiculed the zealot, Warlock and returned to the Vril Chamber.

The 12 sided contained opened, and the prince fell to the ground.  He was different.   More, majestic.  His eyes burned with cosmic power.   
He rose and had a smile.   “I feel like god” he said.

Warlock tensed.

"Good, little godling, prove your might.   Slay this religious zealot and then we can show you the secrets of Utopia...” spoke Rann Thannagar with just a hint of pleasure.

Captain Warlock wondered why did the Beekeeper bring him here?
« Last Edit: Jun 28th, 2016 at 5:13pm by John »  

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The Master Cylinder

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Re: Politics and Religon
Reply #1 - Aug 6th, 2016 at 1:17am
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  The Prince hovered about.  The drops of ectoplasm still clinging to his naked body began to move. 

The Prince fixed his eyes on Captain Warlock.  The whites began to glow like incandescent  lightbulbs. A halo formed around his head.  He smiled. 

Twin beams of sharp white light fired from his eyes.   Captain Warlock's shelter cloak dispersed them.  Warlock boosted his telekinetic powers.  The Prince fired again, this time he realized that his laser eyes were next to useless.  Captain Warlock blasted him with naked telekinetic power.   The Prince barely felt this.

  Warlock levitated outside the structure. He made sure that if the Prince fired lasers at him again and missed, they would strike some of the monster eggs that are scattered about the beach and valley.  This should piss off the Bad Shepherd and maybe get him to help Warlock fight.

The Prince came flying out at top speed and missed the Captain.   Warlock fired a rock at the Prince, smashing the rock to pieces and knocking the Prince off balance.   

The Prince tumbled a bit,  but recovered and flew down at super sonic speed and smashed Captain Warlock.     The Captain's telekinetic shield barely saved him from a good old fashing wallop.   Now grappling,  Captain Warlock double blasted the Prince to the ground with his telekinesis.  The Prince grabbed a boulder and smashed it over the Captain's head.   The Captain then had enough and locked his telekinesis on the Prince and restrained him.   The Prince, as strong as he is, couldn't break free.   

The problem was that Captain Warlock was tiring.  The Prince didn't seem to be breathing hard at all.   How to end this quickly?

Captain Warlock tossed the Prince into the ocean. He held him underwater.

Part of him wanted to drown the teenaged bastard, part of him felt guilty.   He decided to probe his mind with telepathy.

The Prince was realizing that this fight was over and he had lost.  He thought he couldn't win and would only perish if he kept this up.  He figured that fighting super heroes and super villains was a waste of time, and the only real way to implement his plans was to continue doing what he was already doing.  Gathering wealth, power, and influence.  He already had an army of important people working for him, why fight guys that could move mountains with their minds.   He wanted to escape.

  So Captain Warlock spoke to him mentally.  The Prince was shocked to learn that his mind was being invaded and closed it off.   It was like a sudden and heavy steel wall slammed down, and Warlock could no longer read the Prince's mind.   Captain Warlock then pulled the boy over to him to talk face to face.

   The Captain stumbled and this broke his concentration and the Prince used this to fly away.    At the super sonic speed he was traveling,  Warlock knew he was gone.

  Warlock approached the alien couple.  Rann and La were watching the fight from just outside the structure's  doors.   They said, "What a disappointment he turned out to be. "  Warlock left them.  He was too tired to fight more.  He went to look for the Beekeeper.

He remembered seeing some lights flashing during his fight and went to check them out.   He came to a battlezone in the alien jungle.  Craters, uprooted trees, and small brush fires.   And right in the middle was the Beekeeper.  The two foot tall little brown feller showed no signs of breathing nor a heartbeat.  Warlock was pissed.  He put up a TK shield around them to prepare for the worst.  He also sent out a thought scan,  nothing there but non sentient native fauna.

   He picked up the body and turned.  There was a man in a hooded cloak.  He spoke with a deep voice that echoed.  "Hello, brother."

  Warlock recognized that voice.   It scared him. 

No, this couldn't be happening.   

The figure pulled off the hood.  It was worse than he feared.   There, standing before him was his friend, the recently killed Mr. Universe.  And right in the middle of his forehead was Mother.      

The most powerful being in the cosmos was in the thrall of the Mother of all Monsters.  This could not be good...

I am scary, very, very scary.
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I Roll Too Many 20's

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Re: Politics and Religon
Reply #2 - Aug 6th, 2016 at 9:21am
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Awesome write up.

The Captain drops his TK defense and begins to speak......
« Last Edit: Aug 6th, 2016 at 9:35am by THE ONI »  
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The Master Cylinder

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Re: Politics and Religon
Reply #3 - Sep 30th, 2016 at 1:48pm
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See how cool Paulie 's characters become once they die and I take control of their evil resurrected bodies?

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Re: Politics and Religon
Reply #4 - Sep 30th, 2016 at 6:44pm
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I never allowed Mother to rape my dead forehead!



Anticipation of death is worse than death itself -- Steven Segal
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I Roll Too Many 20's

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Re: Politics and Religon
Reply #5 - Oct 1st, 2016 at 7:38am
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John wrote on Sep 30th, 2016 at 1:48pm:
See how cool Paulie 's characters become once they die and I take control of their evil resurrected bodies?

Double Nuts!!!!!
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Justice Leaguer

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Re: Politics and Religon
Reply #6 - Oct 7th, 2016 at 4:01am
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I just want to say that I wouldn't be surprised if some search engine somewhere might occasionally direct someone to this site who is seeking some sort of strange and bizarre porn, based on some of the comments here.  Cheesy
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The Master Cylinder

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Re: Politics and Religon
Reply #7 - Oct 7th, 2016 at 6:04am
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That's how Dsumner got here.

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The Master Cylinder

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Re: Politics and Religon
Reply #8 - Oct 15th, 2016 at 11:57am
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Captain Warlock gathered his composure.  He measured his words, his tone.  This had to be done properly.  This could go bad real fast.

"Hello, friend, its good to see you. I thought you fell in battle."

"I did, and mother called me back to her bosom."   His voice was the dark sound of cosmic power echoing through infinity.  "Come back to the family, Mother loves you so much."

Captain Warlock could only say one world.


Mr. Universe gathered his will and commanded  Captain Warlock.   Whar Lok, a captain in the Moevian First Tactical Exploration Service, saw the glory of Mother.

She was every where.  Her arms reached out beyond all of creation.  Her love was all things.  And he knew that she loved him.  It felt like comfort.  He knew he was finally accepted.  She was Universal Truth,  she was Universal Love.

Captain Warlock and Mr. Universe flew off.

Within seconds they broke the atmosphere and let the Earth rotate under them and then plunged back down.  They hit the oceans with super sonic speed, protected by Mother's Embrace.  They dove down to the deepest depths of the Mariana's Trench.

They dug in the muck for over and hour until they saw the Omphalos.   It was then that  Captain Warlock regained his will.  He still wore a Mother Stone on his head, and as such Mother still whispered lullabies to his mind.  But he could make his own thoughts, his own decisions.  Is this what is happening to Mr. Universe?  Is he dominated by this creature from beyond?

Mr. Universe realized that his control over Warlock was broken.  He gathered his Power Cosmic and attacked.   

Warlock put up his Telekinetic shield and rubbed Thor's Belt.  He felt the infinite strength of the God of Thunder swell his body.  His muscles grew to grotesque proportions.  His mind exploded with might.  He swung poor doomed Modi's hammer with the strength of Forever and smashed Mr. Universe. 

The impact created a maelstrom.   Mud sweltered and the ocean, light by the silver light of Glidvir went dark.

Still in contact with the Mother Stone,  Warlock used her senses to "see".  He saw that the Omphalos was freed from its prison.  He saw that silver chains were broken.   He was pretty sure this wasn't good.

Mr. Universe was back.  He was glowing with power.  From his Mother Stone a great eel grew.  It reached gigantic size.  It had the head of an angler fish, and the body of a serpent.  It was as long as the Chrysler Building.  It bit  Warlock.   

Warlock slammed it with his hammer.  The creature screamed and bit back.   The symbolism of this fight escaped the good Captain.  A man with the strength of Thor fighting a giant serpent?   There is only one way this could end.

And end it did.   The serpent bit again.    Captain Warlock was swallowed.

« Last Edit: Oct 15th, 2016 at 2:36pm by John »  

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It's all about blowin'
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Re: Politics and Religon
Reply #9 - Oct 15th, 2016 at 2:19pm
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Holy Moby Dick!

But more importantly what happened to Mr. Universe because he's more important. Or is the eel Mr. Universe? LOL AWESOME!


Anticipation of death is worse than death itself -- Steven Segal
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I Roll Too Many 20's

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Re: Politics and Religon
Reply #10 - Oct 16th, 2016 at 10:33am
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I should have noticed the parallel. It is similar to the Parable of the Moevian Hero N'or Batu Kos and the Serpent of Rhend.

Sadly W'Har Lok is no N'or Batu Kos......

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